Financial independency
We are creating a free, safe and open space for the local women living in this region to come together, meet each other and learn from each other. With henna, handicrafts, ideas and shared knowledge, we will come together regularly. We will help to empower the women in making a step towards financial independency.

In our region in south east Morocco, a lot of the women living in small villages tend to stay at home. Their opportunities to work and earn money are small. Many girls have not had the chance to complete their education. A lot of them stay at home - some into middle age - until they get married. 

Sahara nomads
There are still nomads living in the Sahara desert. We know many of them through Said’s childhood in the desert. The women make handicrafts - with traditional techniques learned in the family - from goat or camel wool and other available materials. They try to sell handmade products to the passing tourists visiting the desert. We want to help them accelerate this sale by selling their products in our project and also outside Morocco. We will act as a link between them and external buyers. They can also use our communal space and the materials we have made available when there is a need for this.

A space for sharing and learning
We want to provide the local women with a foundation to be independent and to help them find an active place in society.

Through workshops, social exchanges and artistic activities we will create a place for community where there is space to discuss, create, share and learn. With natural produce from our land, we will cooperate with the women and make traditional and organic products to generate an income for the local women. They will receive a large part of the income while a small part will go towards the empowering space for covering the material costs.

Handmade products
In all families in this region, the women are highly skilled and have learned many traditional handicraft techniques. Products such as carpets, bags, clothing, pillows, scarves and jewelry are made with wool from their own sheep and goats or with recycled residual materials. The wool is spun and dyed by hand, and processed into threads for weaving, embroidery, etc.

We will offer materials for the handicrafts, make connections between our community and other organisations and guide the women through networking and sales. Invited artists and teachers can work together with the women to strengthen their talents and skills, and in return the artists can gain knowledge from the local women.

Like an oasis in the desert, this place will become a natural meeting place for the women in the area.

‘A day in the oasis’, designed and created by Sabrina HoiYan Young

Art is growth
We are planning to build an education space for the children from the villages in the area. We will bring art into the education program and to give creative growth an extra focus.  

There will be classes and workshops in visual arts, handicrafts, music and theatre. A space for an artist in residence will be created. The invited artists will have the possibility to work on their projects while involving the children and the women from the area. From her background as a visual artist and her experience in education, Linde would also like to share her knowledge and several techniques through workshops with the local women and children.

We want to organise educational - online and if possible also physical - exchanges between the children here and schools abroad, to bring diverse cultures closer together. Different worlds can be united.

Desert gardening
We will offer lessons in sports, English and there will be a high focus on classes in road safety & self defense.

A part of the land will be transformed into gardens for the children to care for. Here, they can grow their own organic food and take care of young trees. The children will learn about a selfsustainable way of living. We will teach them methods of maintaining a garden in such a dry and hot climate. We support the new generation to be well prepared for the worrying situation of the desertification.

Through this way we hope to enlarge consciousness of the climate changes and create more awareness about caring for the environment.


Rte de Beni Hayoun-Beni Sbih
Beni Hayoun, Tagounite 47552

⚡️ Donation link coming soon ⚡️